Implementation support package

The implementation of the Maritime MaaS API requires (the situation in summer 2021) that transport operators provide their transport information in GTFS format (LINK), that the ticket data matches our recommendation (LINK) and that the ticketing system is integrated with the interface.


Using the Maritime MaaS interface for retail sales of water transport ticket products requires that a MaaS operator signs a retail agreement with each transport provider and then integrates with the interface.


This wiki provides support in implementing the Maritime MaaS interface and the elements listed above, and it contains the technical documentation (LINK) and descriptions of the Maritime MaaS interface, the best practices, examples to assist in the application, and implementation process descriptions.


The transport operators, ticketing system providers and MaaS operators must study the documentation independently and follow the wiki guidelines and recommendations in order to achieve the best possible outcome.


Instructions will be provided as part of the implementation support on how to test integrations before a transfer to production. The option of automated tests is being reviewed.

Implementation support


The interface administrator is prepared to offer a maximum of 1 + 5 hours of implementation support to each operator implementing the interface. The administrator will provide support to the technical expert of a transport provider’s ticketing system in creating GTFS files and with any problems during integration, and to the MaaS operators with integration. 


The package duration is six hours, the first of which is free but mandatory to the support recipient. This will ensure that the transport provider, ticketing system representative and MaaS operator have read through the technical documentation, understand the interface’s terms of use and are ready to start preparing to implement the interface according to the guidelines. 


One of the other five sessions, following the initial kick-off one, is paid and mandatory, because the interface administrator and an operator integrating with it must verify at the end that all the necessary tests have been carried out and the entity is ready for production. The administrator of the Maritime MaaS interface will charge €90/hour for this implementation support.

Vesiliikenteen MaaS -hanke - Maritime MaaS project
Marite MaaS API documentation 2021-2022
Forum Virium Helsinki & City of Helsinki